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The Brooklyn Cyclones' stadium was ranked the "Most Fun Ballpark in Minor League Baseball" by Fox News in 2012, and we hold onto that title very strongly to this day. I figured, what better way to showcase how fun the ballpark is than by hopping on this trend.

I let the Cyclones players behind the camera for once! I gave a few of them disposable cameras and told them to have fun with it, which they definitely did. I decided to get creative with the editing instead of just posting the photos.

3/4 of the 'Baby Mets' were on the Brooklyn Cyclones together in 2021. Using this scene from Coco felt fitting when Ronny Mauricio joined Francisco Alvarez and Brett Baty in the Big Leagues.

I do a 'Question of the Day' series with the players and coaches during the baseball season. The team enjoys these videos because they get to have fun with their answers. It also humanizes the players and shows a side of them that fans do not normally get to see.

Who doesn't like celebrating?

I compiled a bunch of the best 2023 Cyclones celebrations, and it only seemed right to put them to Celebration by Kool & The Gang.

A pre-season hype video for Monroe College Men's Basketball.

Donovan Mitchell playing... baseball?

When Donovan Mitchell was a child, his father was a coach for the Brooklyn Cyclones - he was even the batboy back then! He came back to his old stomping grounds where he took BP with the team and threw out a first pitch.

'Hard Hitting Questions' was a series with a former Cyclones player, Brendan Hardy. After a win, he would serve as the Clubhouse Correspondent where he would interview his teammates about the game the night before. He and I would collaborate on the questions he would ask, ranging from what was your thought process at the plate in a specific moment, to what is your best dad joke (and everything in between). The fans loved this series because they got to know players more, and Brendan Hardy loved interviewing his teammates!

Cyclones or Cy(clones).. you tell me.

Album Covers: Cyclones Edition

This trend was all over Tik Tok and Instagram, so there obviously needed to be one more.


Athletes have fun during their media day; this is a behind the scenes video of Monroe College Baseball team's media day.

The 'If We Were A ' trend took over Tik Tok and Instagram. This video encapsulates what represents the Brooklyn Cyclones.

My main in-game responsibility at the Brooklyn Cyclones is to capture the atmosphere of the games: the players, fans, contests, themes, giveaways, and promotions. This is the video I created after Opening Day in 2023.

I had the players guess Minor League logos. Some of them knew every single one, some knew a few, and one decided to put his own twist on the video. They had a lot of fun with this one, and so did I!

I film home games for all of Monroe College's Fall and Spring Semester sports. When the team wins, I create highlight reels of the game.

As a promotional video for a jersey giveaway, I asked the players if they could spin a basketball on their finger. They have a lot of fun with videos like these. Needless to say, I did got that basketball back until much later.

Monroe College Football intro hype video for the video board.

I assist in creating graphics for the Brooklyn Cyclones. One of the video board graphics that I create are the opposing teams' headshots.

My bat: full power

Your bat: low power

This is a design I created for a sports graphic t-shirt company.

I created this mock organ donor advertisement for a college advertising course. The dark blue man is the organ donor, and all the people surrounding him are the people he has saved. The goal of this project was to create an advertisement that would influence people to register as organ donors.

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